Lean healthcare organizations focus every process on reducing waste to add value to the end customer or patient.
Simulation software provides the ability to test initiatives that will improve the productivity, cost and quality of healthcare services in a risk-free environment.
Download the infographic to learn about common wastes in healthcare.
Simulation provides a visual, interactive and easy-to-understand representation of your process.
Whether your simulation is showing patient queues building in an ED, or a series of operations grinding to a halt, nothing is more effective at communicating issues than letting stakeholders see them happening for themselves.
Altering processes in the real world can be costly and carry potential risks to patient safety and satisfaction.
Simulation allows healthcare organizations to fully test changes, validate their impact in a risk-free environment, and consider factors like return on expense for equipment and staffing.
With simulation, you can see how scenarios will develop 2, 10 or even 100 years into the future within a matter of seconds.
This enables you to understand the long-term effects of potential process changes, how factors such as population change might impact them, and get the answers you need to make informed decisions now.
SIMUL8 has been valuable for expanding our range and depth of analytical abilities.
It should be considered an important tool in the design of every robust process improvement program.
System Director of Operations Improvement, Memorial Health System