Innovative Applications

SIMUL8 is a unique simulation tool with the ability to address the most pressing issues facing LEAN and Six Sigma practitioners today.

Armed with SIMUL8-based tools, decision makers can make better choices on complex problems such as:

  • Patient placement and bed capacity management
  • Staff overtime and call-ins.
  • OR block time schedules and templates.

Change Management

One challenge to creating stakeholder buy-in is discomfort with change. With SIMUL8, you have the ability to demonstrate a new process in a safe environment, allow stakeholders to play with the model for themselves, and develop confidence in the solution.

SIMUL8's flexible format allows you to use either a process- or physical layout-oriented arrangement, based on the needs of your stakeholders.

Within seconds, a process' performance is projected for years into the future so that there is ample data and evidence for decision making.

Teaching Process Improvement Tools

Many Lean and SS concepts are counterintuitive to students when they are first introduced (for example, pull vs. push). An interactive, visual tool like SIMUL8 is a practical way to demonstrate these principles.

To find out more about using simulation in Education go to our Health Education page.

Decision Tools

In addition to project-based process improvement, healthcare is also in need of innovators who can help operations managers make better decisions. The tools in place today are often based on historical trends (which may or may not be relevant), inaccurate or disorganized data, and personal experience.

SIMUL8's import/export features enable you to develop a user interface that is used to enter information, run scenarios, and obtain results and recommendations. Best of all, the user never has to see the simulation running behind the scenes.

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